A Commitment to Safety and Compliance

WCWVT specializes in workplace safety, health, and wellness, with a focus on Overdose Prevention and Suicide Prevention. While many companies continue to be concerned with compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, these same companies have also realized that the wellness of their employees plays a major factor in morale, retention, and injury/illness prevention. Whether it’s preparing for an OSHA/MSHA inspection, conducting an in-house safety inspection, hosting employee training, or building communication or problem solving skills within a team or group, we’re here to help and support you as you reach the next level within your companies and communities.

Reid Wobby has over 15 years of combined experience in the US Army, Cannabis, Construction, Mining, and General Industries. He earned multiple awards and decorations during his military service. He specializes in federal workplace guidelines regarding alcohol, cannabis and drug-related issues, workplace safety and compliance, as well as state-specific policies regarding drugs and alcohol in the workplace. He has extensive knowledge in safety management within the OSHA, MSHA, and DOT realms. He has worked with multiple local and regional companies, providing on-site and administrative consultation to ensure their workforce is safe and their policies are compliant.

In 2023, WCWVT started the Employee Wellness Partnership in an effort to reduce overdoses and suicides within the state, collaborating with the Vermont Naloxone Distribution Program as well as the Associated General Contractors of Vermont to provide training, education, and resources to this at-risk industry. Over the past 18 months, this partnership has grown to include other member-based organizations, including the Vermont Chamber of Commerce and the Vermont Ski Area Association (Ski Vermont), distributing more than 18,000 doses of Narcan, 10,000 gun locks and suicide prevention materials, and more than 5000 harm reduction kits across the state. Recently, this partnership was recognized nationally as an American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) 2024 Power Gold Award winner.

Reid has been a featured speaker in both Vermont (Associated General Contractors of Vermont) and Regional (Voluntary Participation Program-Region 1) Safety and Health Conferences, as well as at the Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium, the Ski Vermont Annual Meeting, and the Vermont Chamber of Commerce Workforce Solutions Summit. He is also a Drug and Alcohol Specialist with Catamount Consulting. In 2021, he received a Professional Certificate in Cannabis Plant Biology from the University of Vermont. He is currently working on his bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Penn State University.